Vitamin D (Colecalciferol) (Strivit D3, Invita D3, Thorens)

Blood & Nutrition
Do Not Prescribe (DNP), Grey, Green
Decision Date:
September 2017


GREEN: Strivit D3 20,000 units, InvitaD3 and Thorens 10,000units/ml oral drops: Cost effective choice's for the treatment of Vitamin D deficiency.

DO NOT PRESCRIBE (DNP): Vitamin D in strengths of 1000 units and below (e.g., Desunin 800iu tablets) for maintenance following treatment of deficiency or insufficiency (excluding patients with osteoporosis, osteopenia or hyperparathyroidism), JAPC recommends that the patient is encouraged to make lifestyle changes and to purchase a supplement over the counter from a local pharmacy, health food shop or supermarket. (Decision date - October 2017)

GREY: Strivit D3 800units capsules cost-effective choice for exceptional use for maintenance following treatment of deficiency or insufficiency in patients with osteoporosis, osteopenia or hyperparathyroidism (Decision date - October 2020)

For further details see position statement for self-care with Vitamin D and local vitamin D guidance.  

Relevant Resources includes a local Patient Information Leaflet.

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