
Do Not Prescribe (DNP), Red
Decision Date:
July 2015


RED: NICE TA 342 for treating moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis. (Decision date - July 2015)

RED: NICE TA352 for treating moderately to severely active Crohn's disease after prior therapy. (Decision date - September 2015)

DNP: Treatment of adults with moderately to severely active chronic pouchitis, who have undergone proctocolectomy and ileal pouch anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis, and have had an inadequate response with or lost response to antibiotic therapy. Awaiting national guidance. CCG commissioned. (Decision date - February 2022)

DNP: NICE TA826 - Vedolizumab for treating chronic refractory pouchitis after surgery for ulcerative colitis (terminated appraisal) (Decision date - October 2022)

Red Drug Classifications

  • 1: Requiring specialist assessment to enable patient selection, initiation and ongoing treating
  • 2: Requiring long term on-going monitoring of efficacy by a specialist and not suitable for shared care
  • 3: Requiring long term on-going monitoring of toxicity by a specialist (either because of difficulty in recognising side effects or high cost of investigations to identify toxicity)

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