
Decision Date:


RED:1,2 NICE TA238: Arthritis (juvenile idiopathic, systemic) recommended if NSAIDs, steroids and methotrexate have failed (decision date - January 2012)

RED:1,2 NICE TA247: Rheumatoid arthritis: Tocilizumab (with methotrexate) – a recommended option (in the same circumstances as TA130) after other specified treatments have failed or not been tolerated (decision date - March 2012)

RED:1,2,3 NICE TA375 for rheumatoid arthritis not previously treated with DMARDs or after conventional DMARDs only have failed. (This TA partially replaces TA247) (Decision date - February 2016)

RED:1,2,3 NICE TA373 for treating juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).  (Decision date  - January 2016)

RED:1,2,3 NICE TA518: for the treatment of giant cell arteritis. (Decision date  -  May 2018)  

RED: NICE TA878: people admitted to hospital with COVID-19 who need high-flow oxygen: tocilizumab can be offered, subject to eligibility criteria, through the UK interim clinical commissioning policies for secondary care. (Decision date  -  April 2023)  

NHS England is the responsible commissioner for JIA and giant cell arteritis.

Red Drug Classifications

  • 1: Requiring specialist assessment to enable patient selection, initiation and ongoing treating
  • 2: Requiring long term on-going monitoring of efficacy by a specialist and not suitable for shared care
  • 3: Requiring long term on-going monitoring of toxicity by a specialist (either because of difficulty in recognising side effects or high cost of investigations to identify toxicity)

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