Ramucirumab (Cyramza)

Do Not Prescribe (DNP)
Decision Date:
February 2016


DO NOT PRESCRIBE (DNP)6: NICE TA378 for treating advanced gastric cancer or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma previously treated with chemotherapy. (decision date - February 2016)

DO NOT PRESCRIBE (DNP)6: NICE TA403 for previously treated locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. (Decision date  - September 2016)

DO NOT PRESCRIBE (DNP)6: NICE TA609 - treating unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma after sorafenib (terminated appraisal) (Decision date - November 2019)

DO NOT PRESCRIBE (DNP)6: NICE TA635 - ramucirumab with erlotinib for untreated EGFR-positive metastatic NSCLC (terminated appraisal) (Decision date - July 2020)


Black Drug Classifications

  • 6: Have NICE guidance that recommends they should not be used

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