
Red, Amber
Decision Date:


REDNICE TA481NICE TA482 - oral immunosuppressive therapy (includes basiliximab or immediate-release tacrolimus or mycophenolate mofetil) for kidney transplant in adults, children and young people. (Decision date - November 2017).  NHS England drug. To be used in line with NHS England commissioning intentions.

NB. Prescribing in primary care may be considered in line with an out of area transplant centre approved shared care. See 'out of area' guidance.

AMBER: for non-transplant indications in adults. See shared care agreement. (Decision date - April 2023) 

MHRA (Feb 2018)  - as a precautionary measure, it is now recommended that either male patients or their female partner use reliable contraception during treatment with mycophenolate and for at least 90 days after stopping. Female patients of childbearing potential receiving mycophenolate medicines should always use contraception.


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