Insulin Aspart (Fiasp, Novorapid, Trurapi)

Grey, Green
Decision Date:


GREEN: Trurapi - preferred cost-effective brand (for adults and children's). (Decision date - March 2022, July 2023)

GREEN: Fiasp - on specialist recommendation. New fast acting insulin aspart with a faster onset of action than novorapid,  4 minutes versus 10-20 minutes, for use in adults and children (>1 year). Note: FIASP and Novorapid are not directly interchangeable. (Decision date - June 2017)

GREY: Novorapid  - For new patients consider Trurapi as the cost-effective brand. Existing patients on NovoRapid should continue on treatment until the next clinical review takes place, to assess if suitable for switching. (Decision date - March 2022, July 2023)

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