Insulin Lispro (Admelog, Humalog, Lyumjev)

Do Not Prescribe (DNP), Grey, Green
Decision Date:


Prescribe by brand

Admelog (Insulin Lispro biosimilar)

GREEN: 100units/ml - preferred cost-effective brand. (decision date - June 2023)

Humalog (Insulin Lispro) 

GREY: 100units/ml - New patient should consider Admelog as the cost-effective choice. Existing patients on Humalog should continue on treatment until the next clinical review takes place to assess if suitable for switching. (decision date - June 2023)

GREY: 200units/ml* (decision date - October 2017)

Lyumjev (Insulin Lispro)

GREEN: 100units/ml 

GREY: 200units/ml* (Decision date - October 2020) 

Lispro Sanofi (Insulin Lispro biosimilar)

DO NOT PRESCRIBE (DNP): 100units/ml. (Decision based on lack of clarity between biosimilar and originator name and the risk of inadvertent switching)  (Decision date - September 2018)

*See MHRA April 2015, High strength, fixed combination and biosimilar insulin products to minimise the risk of medication error. 

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