
Green, Green - after consultant/specialist recommendation
Decision Date:
July 2016


Type 2 Diabetes without CKD: GREEN preferred SGLT2i. Also indicated for use as per NICE TA336 and NICE TA390 for type 2 diabetes : in combination with other glucose-lowering agents and for use as monotherapy. See local type 2 diabetes guidance. (Decision date -Dec 2022)

Type 2 Diabetes with CKD: GREEN  - as per NICE NG28 and NG203, for adults with CKD and type 2 diabetes, in additions to an ACEI or ARB at an optimised dose.  (Decision date - Sep 2021, updated Dec 2021, further update Dec 2022)

GREEN consultant/specialist initiation & stabilisation NICE TA773 for treating chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. (Decision date - April 2022) 

GREEN after Consultant/Specialist recommendation - NICE TA929 Empagliflozin for treating symptomatic chronic heart failure with preserved or mildly reduced ejection fraction in adults (Decision - December 2023)

GREEN: NICE TA942for treating chronic kidney disease (CKD)Empagliflozin is recommended as an option only if:

  • it is an add-on to optimised standard care including the highest tolerated licensed dose of ACEi or ARBs, unless contraindicated,
  • and people have an eGFR of - 
  • 20 to less than 45 ml/min/1.73 m2 or
  • 45 to 90 ml/min/1.73 m2 and either: a urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio of 22.6 mg/mmol or more, or type 2 diabetes. (Decision date - January 2024)

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