
Do Not Prescribe (DNP)
Decision Date:
April 2020


DO NOT PRESCRIBE (DNP): Oral Cyanocobalamin is poorly absorbed and should not be prescribed as a supplement. (Decision date - March 2022). 
Cyanocobalamin 1mg daily was recommended during COVID-19 period by exception for when giving or delaying IM hydroxocobalamin was not a viable options. For existing patients there will be a transitionary period. 

MHRA (Dec 2023) Vitamin B12 (hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin): advise patients with known cobalt allergy to be vigilant for sensitivity reactions. Cobalt sensitivity reactions typically present with cutaneous symptoms of chronic or subacute allergic contact dermatitis. Infrequently, cobalt allergy may trigger an erythema multiforme-like reaction. Symptom onset may be immediate or delayed up to 72 hours post-administration. Cobalt allergy is estimated to affect 1 to 3% of the general population.

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