Buprenorphine patches

Decision Date:


GREY: an example of exceptionality includes use in severe renal impairment in patients with CKD 4 or 5 when other treatment options have been considered.

Buprenorphine patches cost several times more than oral morphine in equivalent doses.  Be aware there is a wide range of buprenorphine patches with different strengths and frequency of replacement.  Check licensed frequency carefully.  Prescribe by brand name.

Low dose 7 day patch - Reletrans and Sevodyne are the preferred cost effective 7-day patch.  (Decision date - September 2016, July 2023).

Higher strength patches are available, but the different brands are not interchangeable.  The preferred cost-effective high strength is Relevtec (these patches are replaced after 96 hours (4 days)).  (Decision date - May 2017).

Brown Drug Classifications

  • 1: Lack of data on effectiveness compared with standard therapy
  • 4: Lack of data on cost-effectiveness compared with standard therapy

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